PERIWINKLES have FIVE feet. Fish use GILLS to BREATHE. SEAWEED is a PLANT. The MOUTH of a STARFISH is at the end of its ARM. SAILFISH can go 70 miles per hour. STARFISH love to eat CLAMS. A CLAM uses two small HOSES to eat. PLANKTON is a soup of TINY organisms. A STARFISH does NOT have a head. All WHALES are FISH. A SHARK is made up of CARTILAGE, not bones. A BASKING SHARK is very gentle and HARMLESS. A SPERM WHALE'S favorite food is the giant SQUID. A shark's SKIN is very SOFT. Fish found in the deep DEEP WATER have no COLOR because there is no LIGHT. SHRIMP are like TRASH COLLECTORS, cleaning up the ocean. A VIPERFISH has huge FANGS. SQUID are found EVERYWHERE in all the oceans. Long ago, people thought GIANT SQUID were SEA MONSTERS. SAND DOLLARS are coins in the ocean. SEA OTTERS love to eat PEOPLE. To look at PLANKTON, you have to use a MICROSCOPE. SEALS have stinging TENTACLES that can HURT you. JELLYFISH are related to CORAL. A SCALLOP can have THIRTY eyes. A SCALLOP can move three feet with the CLAP of its SHELL. You can usually find GARIBALDIS in a TIDEPOOL. JELLYFISH cannot HURT you. MANTA RAYS can be SIX feet wide. A SNEAKER is related to a LOBSTER. A BARNACLE could never ATTACH itself to your TONGUE. A BARNACLE could never ATTACH itself to a WHALE. SHRIMP can leap up to THREE FEET in the air. FLYING FISH have little PROPELLERS on the top of their heads. HALIBUTS grow TWO EYES on the same side of their heads. A SEA ANEMONE eats just about anything. At the very tip of each arm, STARFISH have one red EYE. There are 5000 different STARFISH in the ocean. Small CRABS can live to be 100 years old. JELLYFISH swim using their FLIPPERS. The FATHER garibaldi keeps the house CLEAN. Some people eat KELP. GREY WHALES are MAMMALS like you. A GARIBALDI'S favorite FOOD is peanut butter and jelly. An OCTOPUS has TEN arms. The CORAL REEF fish are mostly BROWN. A HALIBUT likes to MATCH whatever it's lying on. A SEA URCHIN would be fun to STEP ON. A KILLER WHALE has teeth. SHARKS are found in oceans all over the WORLD. KILLER WHALES like to eat SHARKS. A CORAL REEF is made up of MILLIONS of tiny animals. A TRIGGERFISH is named for the CURVED FIN above its eyes. CLOWNFISH like to SNUGGLE inside the arms of SEA ANEMONES. RED CLOWNFISH like to perform at the CIRCUS. SEAHORSES have POUCHES like kangaroos. A SURGEONFISH is named for the little KNIFE at the base of its SPINE. TUBE WORMS are found in your BACKYARD. A GIANT SQUID has two BIG FEET. 85 PERCENT of ocean life is found in the CORAL REEF. Underwater VOLCANOS provide the WARMTH to grow food in the deep. In the open ocean, most fish are BOTTOM FEEDERS. BALEEN WHALES have big teeth. GREAT WHITE sharks have only one ROW of teeth. All SHARKS eat MEAT.